Let’s Hear It For The Boys

I’ve been thinking a lot about the different guys I’ve talked to over the years… I think because recently, I experienced another let down. This is by no means a blog to bash men. Thanks to the good men in my family and the good men who’ve I’ve met along the way,...

Who Needs Men?

My order at Chick-fila was quite large as I was ordering for other people as well. I took the drinks out to my car so I would be able to carry the rest the food without having to struggle. As I waited, I noticed a girl who looked as though she were just about to get...

To The One’s Who Are Left…

For whatever reason, the way my life has gone, I have been the one to go more often than not. I went away for a year of Bible school. I went to stay with my brother and sister in law for half a year and then I moved to Virginia for 5 years. But, I stopped and noticed...

Until Then, I’ll Hate You

You violated me. You violated my family. You came into our lives roaring and plummeting. You ripped off the protection we once felt. You tore through each one of us like lion attacking its prey. The damage you’ve done is beyond repair… You stole our feeling of...

The Night the Devil Tried to Drown Me

⚠️: This is a dark post, but it helped me process some things going on in my heart.  I was grabbed so fast I got whip lash. I was dragged through hellish landscape that seemed to go on more than I could endure. Rocks, thorns and glass worked their way into my...