Under Friendly Skies
Do we view the suffering we face as being under friendly skies?

At the Breaking of Dawn
After a long, arduous trek that left her battered, bruised, and nearly crushed, she arrived at a spacious place. She basked in the sunshine and smelled the wildflowers. She breathed in the mountain air and twirled as she danced in the beauty around her. She frolicked...

A Beggar at Heaven’s Gate
She stumbled to the gate, her soul broken and tattered. Her hands grasped for the gate as her knees collapsed, smacking the ground. She couldn’t speak. Her mouth was dry, her strength had faded, and her words had run out. Her feeble self, in contrast to majesty, made...
To Dance…
I spent the entire afternoon getting ready, but I had been preparing for months. I have so many expectations, and my heart is nearly swelling out of my chest. I stepped into the car, waiting for the driver to move, yet something was wrong. Finally, the driver...
Discovering Dimple
Beyond the cracked sidewalk, and the telephone pole with layers of flyers in a rainbow of colors, and the patch of dry brown grass there stood a ten-foot-high concrete block wall, caked with dozens of coats of paint. There was a small shrine at the foot of it, with...
A Disciple’s Life
I was one of twelve chosen, I still don’t know why I was picked. Some were related and others complete strangers. Some had a radical turn around and some just quietly left to follow. But we were a force to be reckoned with. I have never felt so passionately about...
The One Lost Sheep
The ninety-nine were just around me. We were laughing, joking and having the best time. We were grazing in the field until something caught my eye. I wandered over to see what the commotion was. It was a beautiful goat running and jumping and having such fun....