A Conversation Over Communion
I came to the table that day, as I had many other times. I imagined me being back at my childhood church, brushing my hand over the communion table and the inscription etched into it “Do This In Remembrance Of Me.” Thanks to our Pastor, we collectively took time to...

I’m Talking to My Answered Prayer
The dream helped me remember that I am not promised tomorrow, and neither are the people I love dearly. I cannot control anything but my actions and attitudes in this life.

A Beautiful Dead End
I passed a street that I had driven past, likely a dozen or more times, but I noticed the name — Grace Drive.

… then He spoke, not in a booming voice but as a Father explaining something to His child. My child, I AM!
A Father’s Voice
Having my dad’s voice in my head reminded me how much more important it is to have my heavenly Father’s voice in my head.

It Starts at the End
Being lead into a place of dying may be what God uses to bring about redemption.

Good Friday | The Day Hope Died
Things started to crumble as they stood watching Jesus take His last breath. Panic set in as their heroic, fearless, determined, and intentional leader hung lifeless on the Roman cross. The clouds grew dark as the world revolted at the Creator’s death. The whispers of...

An Unusual Love Story
Today's post is brought to you by Carol Tanksley, M.D., D.Min. I happened to be searching the internet for encouragement, and I found an article by her. I went from one article to another. I then discovered that she didn't get married until age 48! I had to know the...

Are We Letting the Enemy Win in Our Dating Life?
Why is it, when it comes to dating, we hold back surrendering our desires to God? Or we don’t ask for our desires, or we are afraid to trust God with them because He might not answer how we hoped He would.

Miles 16 & 17
I had just finished one of my best half-marathon times. I was feeling good and thankful that I had hit the halfway mark. As I continued, I picked up my pace a bit. Mile 14 — Feeling good Mile 15 — Starting to feel pain As I continued to run, my hip really began to...