You violated me.
You violated my family.
You came into our lives roaring and plummeting. You ripped off the protection we once felt.
You tore through each one of us like lion attacking its prey.
The damage you’ve done is beyond repair…
You stole our feeling of safety. You stole a piece from each of us; a piece that we can never get back.
You have forever left your mark tattooed into our bleeding hearts.
I wish you had a face so I could dismantle it with every drop of being I have left.
Every punch I throw would be for all the people who were left torn apart with only the remnant of your hideous aroma… whose lives will never be the same..
If I had the chance I’d make you drink your own poison.
If I had the chance I’d annihilate you from the face of the earth.
But, I do not have the power. I am, like so many others, a bystander. And one day I know I will be your victim.
For today, I have to deal with the wrecking ball that you are. And try to pick up shattered pieces of my heart…
I hate you with the deepest hatred I’ve ever known. You demolished my heart and soul.
I wish your existence was never created….
You entice people to like you. You entice people to accept you, but I cannot stand to even say you name…
But I must, to prove that I can… You are death and I hate you…
I cannot eliminate you, but I would do it in a heartbeat if I could.
You’ve crippled, deceived, and destroyed so many lives. You leave casualties wherever you are, and you walk away with no remorse. You leave people so broken they’ve in turn wished for you…
You are wicked the very essence of evil itself…
But one day, you will be silent. One day, you will have no more victims… you WILL be silent, sniffed out like all the ones you took beforehand. You are worthless and you will taste the bitterness that you’ve ensued on so many… you will pay for what you’ve done…
I cannot wait for that day…
Until then, I will continue to hate you.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and DEATH SHALL BE NO MORE, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. -Revelation 20:4
No words. Just hugs and prayers.