For whatever reason, the way my life has gone, I have been the one to go more often than not. I went away for a year of Bible school. I went to stay with my brother and sister in law for half a year and then I moved to Virginia for 5 years.

But, I stopped and noticed something about a few people I know who have been “left.”

Being “left” categorizes a lot of individuals: Left behind as someone moves away, left behind from a trip, left as an organization moved on without you, left by a boyfriend/girlfriend, left behind by a spouse, a Dad, a mom, a family member who passed on before you. I think we’ve all been left a time or two.

As I was discussing this with my younger sister, two individuals came to mind… My sister, Linda, and my mom.

There are times my other family members have been left, but today, I want to focus on them…

My sister has been the local anchor for my family. She’s lives close by and does the airport runs, extra shopping, filling love tanks, dropping off flowers, coffee, and just being available. Seeing her day to day perseverance, you would have no clue how many times she’s been left. She and I were thick as thieves in high school and then I left. I left again two more times and every time, she’d cheer me on even if there were tears in her eyes.

And my mom. She’s been left by two husbands who both went to heaven before her. She is the biggest cheerleader for marriage, family and the church even with her broken heart. She’s also been left by friends time and time again.

But, the thing I’ve noticed in both Linda and my Mom is a deep strength. Like their strength is a thick 6inch rope that is tied to the anchor of their souls. They press on and press in every time another trial comes. “When the going gets tough— the tough get going.” That’s a perfect picture of them both.

Their being left has made them into some of the most beautiful people I know. My heart breaks recounting all the blows they’ve taken, but they turn around and find someone else who have been left and help them in their way.

There is a deep seated hope and endurance inside of them and I know it’s the God of all hope that helps them keep pressing on… It’s truly an honor to be family with them. I learn so much from them.

And my little sister, Jessica, is following suit.

My encouragement to us all is to know that even in your season of being left know that God is producing a strength in you — even though strength is the last thing you feel.

The more I grow, the more I want to be like them.

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:6-7

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. –Helen Keller