A Disciple’s Life

I was one of twelve chosen, I still don’t know why I was picked. Some were related and others complete strangers. Some had a radical turn around and some just quietly left to follow. But we were a force to be reckoned with. I have never felt so passionately about...

Entrusting Our Tears

If I’m honest with myself, I don’t want to struggle, so I’ve been ignoring it. You may ask what I’ve been ignoring… Feelings, emotions, certain things that I know I need to process through. But, part of me is just focusing on the happy because I am weary of the...

Fighting Fear: The Fear of Depression

INTRODUCTION: When I started writing on Fighting Fear , one of the first people I asked is my friend, Kristi. I have only known Kristi for a year and a half, but I cannot imagine life without her. She has become one of my dearest friends. The one thing I love about...

Fighting Fear: The Fear of the Unknown

I got out of bed to do my quiet time, feeling depleted. My “prayer” sounded more like a complaint and a pitiful plea. “I can’t do it. I’m overwhelmed. I’m tired and I just don’t know if I can keep up” I had a lot of responsibilities awaiting me...

Fighting Fear: Through Surrender

INTRODUCTION: As I began thinking of this topic, I knew I had to ask Linda. To me, she is a quiet warrior. She loves her husband and family well. There are things she faces that often times, heaven is the only one to hear of it. One Sunday, I was able to sit next to...