Fighting the Fear of Trusting
I’d gotten to Virginia Beach earlier than I anticipated. Since my former roommate and host wasn’t home, I decided to meet a former coworker in the parking lot of the place I once worked. After catching up a bit, I noticed a car in the parking lot, “Oh hey, isn’t that...
What’s Stopping You?
Today's post is brought to you by my dear sister-friend, Kristi. When I first met Kristi, this is how the conversations went: "Hi, I'm Kristi. What's your name?" "I'm Christi". "No way! What do you do for work?" "I'm a personal assistant". "Get out, me too!" We...
Life’s Not Fair: A Biblical View of Financial Integrity
Today's post is brought to you by my friend, Chris Free. I had the privilege of working with Chris for about one year until God called him somewhere else. Chris is genuine, humble, selfless and kind. Characteristics you rarely see in a selfie world. I have been...
Fighting the Fear of Living Out A Missionary’s Life
I am excited to introduce you all to my friend Sara! I met her sometime during the year we were at Bible College. It was a small school so eventually you met everyone. I was never very close with Sara, but as the year went on I saw how much she changed and grew. She...
Fighting the Fear of Living a Life You Didn’t Expect
I am so grateful to have my friend, Mary O'Brien, share with you today. Mary will forever be one of my saving graces because when I first met her, she came to my rescue! I was at the National Religious Broadcaster Conference trying to carry 6 foot banners and a box of...
Fighting the Fear of Not Being in Control
Today, I get to introduce you to someone who is very special to me. We "met" in 2016 and became fast friends. I say "met" because I actually have never "met" Emily in person. Her blog will explain a little more about why. In 2016, my sister tagged me in a devotional...
Elaina’s Story
In mid-2011, I moved to Virginia. I found a church but it was larger than the video and website lead on. I went week after week and met no one. One day, I went to a church connecting event and sat across the table from this couple. "Hi, my names is Elaina. This is my...
You Are No One’s Number One
A few weeks ago my long time friend, Rachel Storey, asked me if she could write for my blog still. I believe I asked her a while back and because she is incredible (teaching full time, studying to get her masters, and very involved at her church) she didn't have much...
Fighting Fear: The Fear of Depression
INTRODUCTION: When I started writing on Fighting Fear , one of the first people I asked is my friend, Kristi. I have only known Kristi for a year and a half, but I cannot imagine life without her. She has become one of my dearest friends. The one thing I love about...
Fighting Fear: The Fear of the Unknown
I got out of bed to do my quiet time, feeling depleted. My “prayer” sounded more like a complaint and a pitiful plea. “I can't do it. I'm overwhelmed. I'm tired and I just don't know if I can keep up” I had a lot of responsibilities awaiting me at the office. I had...