Under Friendly Skies

Under Friendly Skies

I awoke from my bed, but the world felt so dark. As I set my feet on the floor, I felt as though I had been given a cloak of heaviness around my shoulders.  ————— “This is the day.”  The Father said with a lump in His throat.  ————— As I did my morning...


I looked around, feeling the darkness pressing in — not just in the world but also in my mind and my heart.     Why does the pain of this life have to be so crippling? I get up, only to be knocked down again. I no longer feel as though I’m running, but I’m limping.   ...

A Father Who Holds Me

The thunder roared outside and frightened my little frame. I looked up to read my dad’s expression. I think he was enjoying the lightning show that God was putting on display. I leaned back into him, comforted by his encompassing and compassionate hold on me,...

Fighting the Fear of Trusting

I’d gotten to Virginia Beach earlier than I anticipated. Since my former roommate and host wasn’t home, I decided to meet a former coworker in the parking lot of the place I once worked. After catching up a bit, I noticed a car in the parking lot, “Oh hey, isn’t that...

Why A Grave?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this… Of all the ways for God the Father to prove His Lordship, why did He choose to lose His son to the grave?  He could have done it a million other ways, yet He chose the most painful, the most devastating, the most...