Discovering Dimple

Beyond the cracked sidewalk, and the telephone pole with layers of flyers in a rainbow of colors, and the patch of dry brown grass there stood a ten-foot-high concrete block wall, caked with dozens of coats of paint. There was a small shrine at the foot of it, with...

The Letter I Wrote to Myself…

A few years ago, in Fall no less, I found myself just outside Los Angeles, California. The team I worked with had a conference there and I was the keeper of the schedule, merchandise table, and other things. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. We would be...

What Are We Building?

I was listening to someone speak about giving. Those messages are always fun, right?! As the man went on he made a big deal about building the church. As he was speaking I had an epiphany. We (the people) are the church. You’re probably thinking, you just figured this...

Growing Pains

Perseverance and discipline have been on my mind the past few months. It’s easy to do something a few times. It’s a lot harder to maintain consistency. My weakness is never starting something new. My trouble is finishing what I start. Discipline and perseverance are a...

Calmed, Reassured and Steadied

“He knows how to calm me… to reassure me… without Peter, I’m lost” These words have been on my mind for the past few weeks. They are the words of Princess Margaret from The Crown on Netflix (although I can’t recommend the second season). I watched this series...