by CMSTeam | Jul 1, 2017 | Guest Blogs
INTRODUCTION: As I began thinking of this topic, I knew I had to ask Linda. To me, she is a quiet warrior. She loves her husband and family well. There are things she faces that often times, heaven is the only one to hear of it. One Sunday, I was able to sit next to...
by CMSTeam | Jun 21, 2017 | Guest Blogs
Introduction: This month I have been focusing on the topic Fighting Fear. Today’s blog comes from one of my dearest friends. She and I met in Bible college, and have remained dear friends. Our main communication has been through handwritten letters- yes,...
by CMSTeam | Jun 10, 2017 | Guest Blogs
Introduction: For the month of June, I decided to launch a series called Fighting Fear. Each week you will hear a testimony from one of my friends. Today, you will hear from Paula Denny. I have known Paula as long as I can remember. We were both Pastor’s kids....