A Beggar at Heaven’s Gate

A Beggar at Heaven’s Gate

She stumbled to the gate, her soul broken and tattered. Her hands grasped for the gate as her knees collapsed, smacking the ground. She couldn’t speak. Her mouth was dry, her strength had faded, and her words had run out. Her feeble self, in contrast to majesty, made...

How Could I Forget You?

I wrote this poem because I needed to remind myself of who God is and what my purpose is today, this week and the for rest of my life. I feel like I’ve been in an extended waiting period. I’ve done all that I know to do and now I need to wait. It’s tempting to try and...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2021

I was looking around my room for my journal so I could head out the door for church. I picked up a journal I hadn’t used in a while and thought, “I should give this away if there are enough blank pages.” So I skimmed through it and found a journal entry I wrote on...

What Are We Preparing For?

A few weeks ago, I was struggling with where I am as far as my career goes. I should have had two books out by now, but things have not gone as planned due to changes in one publishing house, and Covid delays in the other. My freelance writing also slowed down a bit....