by Chistine Perry | Jul 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
For the past five years or so, I’ve set yearly goals for myself. My goals vary each year. Some goals I hit and other goals get rolled over into the next year. This year, I decided not to set any new goals because I was falling behind in finishing the ones I already...
by Chistine Perry | Jun 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
I woke up at 3:45am and drove south without looking back. The only breaks I took were for gas, bathroom and food. I arrived at home 15 hours later— exhausted but so grateful to be held by people who loved me. The transition home was not an easy one. I spent a lot of...
by CMSTeam | Mar 17, 2019 | Guest Blogs
I am excited to introduce you all to my friend Sara! I met her sometime during the year we were at Bible College. It was a small school so eventually you met everyone. I was never very close with Sara, but as the year went on I saw how much she changed and grew. She...
by CMSTeam | Mar 9, 2019 | Guest Blogs
I am so grateful to have my friend, Mary O’Brien, share with you today. Mary will forever be one of my saving graces because when I first met her, she came to my rescue! I was at the National Religious Broadcaster Conference trying to carry 6 foot banners and a...
by CMSTeam | Feb 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
This question popped into my head as I sat eating lunch after having a few conversations with people who had been scarred. Who are we behind the scars? We all have scars. We all have wounds. How those scars got there varies, but regardless of how we all have scars....