Good Friday | The Day Hope Died

Good Friday | The Day Hope Died

Things started to crumble as they stood watching Jesus take His last breath. Panic set in as their heroic, fearless, determined, and intentional leader hung lifeless on the Roman cross. The clouds grew dark as the world revolted at the Creator’s death. The whispers of...
An Unusual Love Story

An Unusual Love Story

Today’s post is brought to you by Carol Tanksley, M.D., D.Min. I happened to be searching the internet for encouragement, and I found an article by her. I went from one article to another. I then discovered that she didn’t get married until age 48! I had...
Miles 16 & 17

Miles 16 & 17

I had just finished one of my best half-marathon times. I was feeling good and thankful that I had hit the halfway mark. As I continued, I picked up my pace a bit. Mile 14 — Feeling good Mile 15 — Starting to feel pain As I continued to run, my hip really began to...
Problem-Solving Life One Step at a Time

Problem-Solving Life One Step at a Time

I listened to a talk by a respected man in the marketing industry who said at the turn of the 19th century, they structured schools to teach kids to follow directions because eventually, kids would be factory workers who need to follow directions. While thinking on...
Notes in a Jar

Notes in a Jar

As much as we say it’s not, life is made up of the little things. Several years back, my sister caught wind that New Year’s Eve was difficult for me. Maybe I wrote a blog about it, or I told her directly — I can’t remember. However, what I do remember is...