It has been three years since I have been a regular attender at my old church. I had moved to another city. When I saw a friend request from the senior pastor’s wife at that particular church- I smiled. I decided to write her and share a picture with her of the booklets I had received while attending the church’s Biblical studies class. We caught up a bit and then she simply wrote out a few words! As I read her words, they gave me such encouragement!The fact is: Words are powerful. The scariest part about words is that we never know what we might say to a person that will stay with them! Words are like seeds: some die, and some grow. And when we speak them, we won’t know what seeds died (have no effect) and what seeds will grow. Sometimes the words we receive grow, helping us be who God calls us to be! Other times, we receive words that have the capability to crush us.

Maybe someone told you horrendous statements as a child. For example:

“You were an accident” or “You were a mistake” or “You will never amount to anything” 

Or, maybe they were spoken later to you in life- in a marriage, friendship, by someone who had been deeply wounded themselves. Sometimes the words or seeds aren’t a simple statement. If someone constantly questions you and says little things to make you feel like you aren’t trustworthy, you could end up believing that you are a constant disappointment. Maybe the seed of their disappointment and doubt in your capability took root in your heart. I wonder if we took the time to examine our hearts how many seeds we’d find planted in us and how long we’ve been watering them- whether good, or bad. I also realize there are times we say things and are completely unaware of what we are conveying. Maybe in our carelessness, we’ve insulted a sister, brother, or friend without meaning to. But regardless of our intention, our words took root in their heart or vice versa.

We can hear words of encouragement and hope (like the ones I did from my old pastor’s wife) those words gave me a boost. It was like a pat on the back. I walk away feeling uplifted and ready to tackle the future-again. Words like that can be like a breath of fresh air, or like your first drink of cold water after a long run. Sometimes our words can be just what someone needs to simply take one more step. One more step to pursuing one’s spouse again, one more step away from sin, one more step towards healing, one more step away from a bad relationship, one more step into faith, one more step away from quitting on life. One more step into whatever your situation may be.

However, the most important word that we will ever receive is God’s Word to us! When we allow His Word/ Seed to take root in our hearts, the roots of unkind words will not will not be able to stand against the truth of God’s word! It’s God’s Word about us that is the only Word or Seed that matters. I am NOT saying that other’s words about us will not hurt- not at all! As I said previously sometimes words spoken in a vulnerable state have the capability to crush us, BUT GOD! His Word will gently expose and uproot the lie and set us on the path of healing! God’s Word is MUCH more than a seed though. It is also the plow which tills the ground of our hearts in order to plant the seeds of truth, hope, grace and love!

I have experienced how powerful words can be. Powerful for good and powerful for destruction, but I have to CHOOSE what I am listening to and what seeds I am watering. A word at the right time can be like healing balm to my hurting heart. Other times, it can be like salt in an open wound. I want the words that I speak to encourage, build up and be full of grace and truth. Words can hurt and words can heal. Sometimes we need to be hurt because sometimes as they say: the truth hurts.  Other times, we may have been hurt because of someone’s words to us. Whatever the case may be for you, I want to remind you that God’s grace towards us bigger any words spoken to us. At the end of the day, it’s ONLY His Word that matters! I want to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and I pray that my words would reflect my decision!

I want to encourage you to encourage someone else. Ask God to give you the words to reach out to someone you know. You could end up more encouraged by doing so than the other person. We all need each other. We need someone to tell us that this is not the end- it is only the beginning. We need to be reminded that God is a God who NEVER fails us. He ALWAYS loves us- even when we don’t recognize it as love. We need to be reminded that God is near and that God hears, sees and cares for us and our situations. Words are powerful, lets allow God’s word to grow in our hearts so we can impact someone else’s heart for His glory. 

“May the WORDS of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” Psalm 19:14

There is one whose rash WORDS are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings HEALING. Proverbs 12:18

Gracious WORDS are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24